BLACK BEAUTY seemed to enjoy his pleasure. I had a good feed at the inn, and was then gently ridden home by a servant of my new master's and turned into a large meadow with a shed in one corner of it. Mr. Thoroughgood, for that was the name of my bene- factor, gave orders that I should have hay and oats every night and morning, and the run of the meadow during the day, and "y°u> Willie," said he, "must take the oversight of him. I give him in charge to you." The boy was proud of his charge, and undertook it in all seriousness. There was not a day when he did not pay me a visit, sometimes picking me out from among the other horses, and giving me a bit of carrot or something good, or sometimes standing by me while I ate my oats. He al- ways came with kind words and caresses, and, of course, I grew very fond of him. He called me Old Crony, as I used to come to him in the field and follow him about. Some- times he brought his grandfather, who always looked closely at my legs. "This is our point, Willie," he would say, "but he is im- proving so steadily that I think we shall see a change for the better in the spring," The perfect rest, the good food, the soft turf, and gentle exercise soon began to tell on my condition and my spirits. I had a good constitution from my mother, and I was never strained when I was young, so that I had a better chance than many horses who have been worked before they came to their full strength. During the winter my legs .improved so much that I began to feel quite young again. The spring [234]